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Public Transit Accidents

Public Transit Injury Attorneys in Thousand Oaks, Watsonville, Gilroy, and Morgan Hill

Although our public transportation systems are some of the safest and most affordable options for individuals today, accidents can and do happen. Because of the different variables that are often involved in public transportation and the accidents they cause, it is important to get the advice of an experienced personal injury attorney if you have been injured in an accident.

If you have been injured in an accident involving public transit in Thousand Oaks, Watsonville, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, or the surrounding communities in the San Jose area, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. Call the injury lawyers at Braff Law Group.

Public Transit Claims Can Be Complicated

Accidents involving public transportation can be complicated. In these accidents, there may be multiple parties that can be held liable for injuries. Public transportation accidents can be the responsibility of the

  • Driver or operator
  • The transit company
  • A private company
  • The maintenance technician that repaired the vehicle
  • The manufacturer of the vehicle

The complexity of public transit claims makes them difficult to pursue. That is why you need the expertise of an experienced public transit injury lawyer. At Braff Law Group, we have decades of experience recovering compensation for victims of public transit accidents and have recovered the maximum compensation for their injuries.

Common Carriers and Their Duty of Care

Public transit companies and their drivers owe a duty of care to both passengers and others. This is called common carrier law. Common carriers are defined as any company or service that has contracted to transport people, property, or goods as public services. Compared to other motor vehicles, a common carrier is held to a higher standard of care. In the case of an injury, negligence must be established to hold them liable.

Common carriers can include

  • Buses
  • Railways
  • Streetcars
  • Shuttles
  • Taxis
  • Elevators
  • Escalators
  • Airlines

The duty of care that a common carrier owes is not only toward passengers but also those who they share the road with. This can be other drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or motorcyclists.

Common Causes of Public Transit Accidents

Causes of public transit accidents can be varied. They can include anything from improperly trained or overworked drivers to improperly maintained equipment. This is why public transit accidents can often be very complicated. The most common reasons that a common carrier may be held liable for an injury are:

  • Driver fatigue
  • Driver substance abuse
  • Distracted driving by the driver
  • Lack of training
  • Outdated or defective equipment
  • Poor maintenance

A Team of Professionals

As expert personal injury lawyers, we often go to our network of professionals in order to investigate these accidents. We use investigators and accident recreation engineers to determine the cause and conditions involved in the accident. We will also rely on our network of medical experts to determine the prognosis and future costs that the victim may incur in order to heal from or live with their injuries. We then represent the victim in order to recover the maximum compensation due under the law.

If you have been injured in a public transit accident in Thousand Oaks, Watsonville, Gilroy, Morgan Hill, or surrounding communities, you need the advice of a personal injury attorney. At Braff Law Group, our public transit accident lawyers understand what you are going through. Call us today for a free consultation.